Our Vision

Showtime Theatre Company's mission is to engage, inspire, entertain and challenge students and participants of all ages in a constructive and positive  learning environment.
We are a 501C3 non-profit organization, serving York County, SC and surrounding areas.

​We train and support the next generation of theatre artists; we provide arts education programs that promote life-long learning to a diverse community; and we celebrate the essential power of the theatre to illuminate our humanity and promote community.

Our Values

We work to create an educational environment and production values of the highest quality, and demand excellence from the artists, staff and volunteers with whom we work.

Community Outreach
We believe in offering programs that are inclusive, that reflect the diversity of the York County, South Carolina area, and that have meaningful impact on our community.

Professional Training
We are committed to the training and support of our participants and volunteers, to increase their theatrical knowledge as well as their professionalism as it relates to all aspects of their lives.

Non-Discriminatory and Diverse
We invite participants from our diverse community and do not discriminate based on age, economic status, religion, creed, race or other factors.  We believe the arts are to be celebrated and shared by all and can bridge gaps and build community.

We will continue to strengthen our leadership role in the arts community of York County, South Carolina, and enhance our regional reputations while partnering with and promoting local businesses.

Financial Health
We will uphold our covenant as a not-for-profit institution by being reliable stewards of the public trust and the resources provided to us by our community.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors

  • Jennifer Read

    Executive Director, Artistic Director & Co-Founder

  • Robert Read

    Chief Technical Director & Co-Founder

  • Jan Porter

    Scenic Designer/Painter/Artistic Director

Board Members

Elaine Norman        Karen Jambe       Vivian Vivian

Robinson       Michael Mendenall       Sherri Baker  

    Elizabeth Barbery     Bryan Porter