Broadway Kids

Fundemental Core Classes

  • Combination Dance technique class, based on ballet fundamentals and tap basics. Ballet fundamental technique is used in most dance forms we see in musical theatre productions. Ballet technique is critical for creating strong, effective, and professional looking dancers. The focus is on building core strength, posture, poise, turnout, extension, foot placement, and learning to pick up choreography. Tap is offered in this class as well because tap is a foundational dance style seen in many musicals. Tap training focuses on rhythm, coordination, timing and style.

    (Theatre Dance 3 requires prior approval from the instructor.)

  • Combination class focusing on the fundamental techniques, terms and applications for acting and vocal skills. In this class, students will learn stage presence, elements of the stage, a variety of acting styles and applications, breath control, basic music theory, projection and more.

    (Acting/Voice 3 requires prior approval from the instructor.)

Fundemental Elective Classes

  • Dance technique class, based on Jazz technique fundamentals, while exploring a variety of styles that can be seen in musical theatre productions. The focus is on expanding on the ballet technique taught in Theatre Dance technique and expanding the movement vocabulary and competence.

    (Theatre Dance Styles is a 2/3 level class and requires prior approval to enroll).

    (Theatre Dance 3 requires prior approval from the instructor.)

  • (Daytime Class)

    Workshop exploring singing, dancing, acting, leadership skills and more. Students will learn techniques and work towards in classroom performances per semester.

  • (Daytime Class)

    Classes building upon the skill sets taught in out Tiny Tots, and baby and Me classes, exploring creative movement, music, and reading and telling stories, with focus on fun and self expression.

  • Acting class focusing on introducing a variety of acting styles, influences, modalities and applications. Acting for commercial, theatrical and musical acting styles, will be explored in this class, taking the fundamental technique skills taught in Acting/Voice and applying them in new ways.

    (Acting Styles is a 2/3 level class and requires prior approval to enroll.)

  • Voice class teaching vocal technique and exercises, basic music theory, sight reading, solfege, harmonies, projection and more.

  • Acting class focusing on acting games and improvisation to increase confidence and creativity.

  • Art class for kids, teaching a variety of styles and exploring a variety of projects. Students will get to showcase their art in the studio and for parents in December and June.

    Art 1 is for K-2nd and Art 2 is for 3rd-5th.

    This class has an additional $35 supplies fee due at registration.

  • Class teaching Djembe drums. We will have limited Djembes available and students can bring their own. Example of a Djembe for kids on Amazon can be found here.

    Taller students may want a larger Djembe.

  • Dance class exploring the rhythms and movement found in Hip Hop choreography.