Orlando, Here we come!

Orlando, Here we come!

Rehearsal Videos

YOUNGER Disney Group (Elyse and Maddie’s):

Google Drive Folder with Videos

OLDER Disney Group (Jen and Jen’s):

Links to choreo and/or the music so you can learn the words

This Is Halloween

Skeleton Sam

Come Little Children- First Pass Choreo

Come Little Children Music

Rotten to the Core

Sound of Silence Music

Sound of Silence Soprano Part

Sound of Silence Lower Part

Spooky Scary 

Calling All The Monsters

Important Meeting!

We will have a virtual meeting with our travel company.

Link: meet.google.com/jcw-kjhj-awq

Date: August 18th, 7pm

Rehearsal Updates:

Ms. Maddie & Ms. Elyse’s Disney group will NOT have rehearsal on Tuesday, August 6th!

August 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21 5:30-7 (While regular classes are not in session at the Academy)

Then Sundays August 25th-October 6th 6:30-8 (Except Labor Day Weekend)

We moved rehearsals in June/July to Mondays to accommodate 2 groups.

Performers will be expected to attend a majority of rehearsals and practice with videos between rehearsals. They will be required to catch up on material from missed rehearsals without the material being re-taught just for them.

*Note- Performers who miss more than 3 rehearsals, without additional permission, and those students who do not practice and keep up with the rest of the group, may be removed from the performance portion of the event.


Showtime performers will have the opportunity to perform at Disney World, and train with Disney Professionals, on October 12th, 2024.

  • This opportunity is open to active, enrolled student performers K-12th grade, but is recommended for those 3rd grade and up. Younger performers may not be able to handle the rigorous training, and independence required (Actors will be traveling within the park with their teammates, without their parents, to and from the performance and training venues.) Younger performers are still welcome to attend the weekend, without participating in the performance piece, if they are not ready for the responsibility and maturity factor of the performance piece. If your student is in K-3rd, we can offer guidance to help determine readiness.

    The complete trip is Oct 11th-14th

  • Fee considerations=

1.$500-$900 per person for the trip (includes accommodations, 2 park tickets per person, 1 for Disney World and 1 for Hollywood Studios, and a performance fee)- Travel and Food Not Included

2. $100 team fee to cover 2 team T-shirts per performer, performance costume to keep, and a cynch sac per performer will post to accounts in August.

Additional t-shirts for guardians/siblings can be purchased ahead of time for $15 each.

3. Academy Tuition- Those participating in the Disney event would need to be registered in the Immersive program June- September.

 Order Team T-Shirts Here: