Our summer camps and classes are meant to continue our current students training and introduce new ones to the love and life of musical theatre!

  • Broadway Bound Summer Camp K-5th

    Weeks of June 10th, 17th, 24th and July 8th, 15th, 29th, from 9AM-1PM

    Training in dance, voice, and acting, plus games, fun, and a final performance for family and friends.

  • Musical Theatre Intensive- Middle School

    July 22nd- 26th from 9AM-2PM

    4 Master classes with guest musical theatre industry professionals and a final performance for family and friends. Training in voice, dance, acting and more!

  • Musical Theatre Intensive- High School

    July 22nd- 26th, 9AM-2PM

    4 Master classes with guest musical theatre industry professionals and a final performance for family and friends Training in voice, dance, acting and more!

  • Afternoon/Evening Training

    Offering musical theatre-focused training for Tiny Tots- Adults, Tuesdays- Thursdays.

    Summer training supports proper body conditioning to grow technical and creative skills.


Adult Classes